When it comes to business financing, companies have several options. One popular choice is factoring, which involves selling accounts receivable to a third party, often called a factor, in exchange for immediate cash. However, not all factoring agreements are created equal. In particular, a non-notification factoring agreement can provide unique benefits to businesses.

What is a Non-Notification Factoring Agreement?

In a typical factoring agreement, the factor contacts the business`s customers to notify them that their accounts have been sold. This notification is often a surprise to the customers, and it may lead to confusion or concern. In contrast, a non-notification factoring agreement is one in which the factor does not contact the business`s customers. Instead, the business continues to handle all communication and payment collection with its customers as usual.

Benefits of Non-Notification Factoring


One significant benefit of a non-notification factoring agreement is privacy. By not informing customers of the factoring, businesses can maintain their current relationship with their customers. In some cases, customers may view factoring negatively and assume that the business is in financial trouble. A non-notification agreement can avoid this concern, allowing the business to maintain a positive image.


Another advantage of a non-notification factoring agreement is control. By retaining control over customer communication, businesses can ensure that their communication with customers remains consistent. Additionally, businesses can maintain control over their brand, messaging, and customer relationships.


Non-notification agreements can offer increased flexibility compared to traditional factoring agreements. With traditional factoring, businesses may be required to sell all of their accounts receivable or a specific percentage of their invoices. In contrast, non-notification agreements may allow businesses to choose which invoices to factor, giving them more control over their cash flow.

Drawbacks of Non-Notification Factoring


One of the main drawbacks of non-notification factoring is that it can be more expensive than traditional factoring. Since the factor is taking on more risk by not notifying customers, they may charge higher fees or offer lower advance rates.

Potential for Fraud

Another concern with non-notification factoring is the potential for fraud. Without notification, businesses could theoretically sell the same invoices to multiple factors, leading to double funding. While this risk can be mitigated through careful due diligence and contract language, businesses should be aware of this risk when considering non-notification factoring.


Non-notification factoring agreements can provide businesses with increased privacy, control, and flexibility. However, they may also be more expensive and carry a higher risk of fraud. As with any financing option, businesses should carefully consider their options and consult with a financial professional before deciding on a factoring agreement.